Black Market Bonanza
This presentation will show each attendee a large unintended but expected consequence of legalization, the marijuana black market. Many western legalized marijuana States are now supplying the country with metric tons of high grade black market marijuana. We will discuss the danger and violence of the marijuana black market and what many States are trying to do to combat this serious problem!
Course Topics include:
History of Marijuana Legalization Colorado
Decisions that greatly impacted the black market
Potency impact and the black market
Methods of Ingestion
Ease of access
Ease of concealment
Violent crime impacts
Drug impaired driving/ Fatal accidents
Who is profiting from legalization?
Racial equity divide and use as a crux for legalization
Culture based Drug Trafficking Organizations
Trafficking methods
Interstate Trafficking
Black Market Availability/ Pricing and Profits
Postal and Parcel Use in trafficking organizations
Cultivation and Manufacturing impacts
Marijuana Cultivation Operations Indoor/ Outdoor
Marijuana Concentrate Operations and Dangers
Investigative Processes that have been proven to work